About Us
CMCC (Colorado Muslims Community Center)
CMCC is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization registered at the sate of Colorado
Our mission is to serve the Muslim & Non-Muslim Community alike. Focusing on areas like Ethics, Morals, & Family Values is essential to keeping a community strong & united. We will strive to make this facility safe & fun for people of all ages and backgrounds. We also will focus on teaching Islam to Muslims & clarifying the misconceptions to Non-Muslims. Everyone is welcome here & we hope that you join us!
Establish a fully accredited Islamic School
Establish a Youth Center
Establish state of the art Women Center
Establish a Seniors Center
Establish a Daawa Center
Establish Financial Independency
Create A Strategic Think Tank
CMCC Dar Al-Tawheed
15528 E. Hampden Circle
Aurora, CO 80013
Phone: (720) 432-9027
Email: info@DarAltawheed.org
Colfax Plaza
16251 E. Colfax Ave
Aurora, CO 80011
Phone: (720) 432-9027
Email: info@DarAltawheed.org